My Personal Blog

28 June 2024
This rare video game console sold for over 9,100 euros because it’s not the same color as the others

An exceptionally rare Xbox console has sold for a staggering 9,100 euros. An Xbox for 9,100 euros Fancy an Xbox for 9,100 euros? Well, what if we told you that there are only 50 of these models in existence, made in 2003 to promote the release of a very special film: Hulk. This is the […]

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23 June 2024
Lawyer robots: the future of justice?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing many fields, and law is no exception. The idea of ​​robot lawyers, using powerful AI to advise and represent their clients, is no longer science fiction. But what are the potential benefits of such a disruption? Increased access to justice One of the main advantages of robot lawyers would be […]

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20 June 2024
what happen to a pc when it turn on from 5 years ?!

PC Left On for 5 Years Non-Stop: User Shares Results Original French Article: Can leaving your PC on 24/7 actually be beneficial? One gamer decided to test this theory by leaving their computer on for five straight years. Here’s what they found. For most PC users, there’s no real point in keeping their computer running […]

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20 June 2024
what is a geek person ?

what is a geek person ? What is a geek person ? Before the 2020s, the geek universe had already solidified its presence as a distinct culture. But why did this happen? How did it come to be? And most importantly, what does it truly mean to be a geek in today’s world? Engaging in […]

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14 June 2024
Robot is now !

Elon Musk : ‘thousands’ of humanoid robots could be working at Tesla in 2025 “We’ve made a massive amount of progress with Optimus in a short period of time, from someone pretending to be a robot dancing in a suit, to a pretty hodge-podgy robot, to a robot that is actually doing useful tasks in the factory […]

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